a membership organization that brings together people who enjoy high lake fishing and hiking
Club Meetings
Hi-Laker meetings are open to the public and visitors are warmly welcome!
The Hi-Lakers meet the third Wednesday of each month from 7 – 9 p.m. We are currently meeting online via Zoom and in person on certain months. In person meetings are held at the Mercer Island Community Center, 8236 SE 24th Street, Mercer Island, Washington.
Typically, a short business meeting is followed by a program.
The Hi-Lakers welcome all genders, races and ethnicities. Learn about membership benefits and join here. Questions about the Hi-Lakers or becoming a member? Please contact Anson Evans, chair of the new member committee, newmembers@hilakers.org
Upcoming Programs
“Fishing the Seep Lakes” with Erik Lentz, on Zoom, 7PM.
See our Facebook page to learn more about the Hi-Lakers and the event.
President’s Pack
SPECIAL THANKS to Wilderness Lite, maker of ultralight float tubes, and Hennessy Hammocks, tents that hang from trees, for supporting the Hi-Lakers. Read Don Wicklund’s appreciation of the hammock.
Hate hauling in stunted fish when fishing mountain lakes? A novel WDFW pilot project using male fish that produce eggs aims to eliminate stunted Brook Trout from Little Gee Lake, a mountain lake in Washington. Read the story here.
Hi-Lakers install a backcountry toilet at Chetwoot Lake, continuing a tradition of service including at Granite Mountain Lookout. Read the story here.