“The only constant is change.” Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher (535BC-475BC) seems to have said it first, but it has been said many times and different ways since. The Hi-Lakers, founded in 1958 have changed a lot in 54 years, but what we do has stayed the same.
In three words: We fish lakes! I bet that 54 years from now our club will still be focused on fishing lakes. With that being said, our club currently stands at a junction in terms of two integral pieces of our club; the newsletter and surveys.
Do we continue on the well-traveled trail or do we hike into the brush searching for the hidden jewel of a lake?
Wearing the Presidents Pack, I suggest that we head for that new lake. We may get a few scrapes along the way, but those are always the most memorable trips!
The first major change is that our newsletter and its content will be on our website. In its former format, the newsletter had three to five separate articles and a lot of graphic design work. The new newsletter format will be as a blog on our website.
Of course, there are negatives and positives to this change. Let’s go over the big negative first: If you enjoyed reading the newsletter while sitting on a porcelain throne, things just got a little more difficult.
On the positive side, it’s my hope that the new format will increase the frequency of ‘newsletter’ content. Typically, we had to wait until all the articles were ready before we could print a newsletter. Now, we can publish articles one at a time.
The new format will also increase our readership. In the past the audience was our members, or about 120 people. If our content is interesting the blog format will greatly increase our readership because anyone that visits our website can read our blog. In addition to that, if someone reads an article in our blog and enjoys it, it can be shared with their friends on Facebook or Twitter. Speaking of social media, our club now has a Facebook page and Twitter account. We hope to keep in better touch with members and potential members using social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook.
If you have a trip report or story that you would like to share on the Hi-Laker blog, please contact our new ‘newsletter’ editor, Kent Lufkin.
Another recent change is greater access to historical surveys. Under the old rules you could see all non-confidential surveys for a particular year if you submitted five surveys for that year. With the new rules, you will see all historical Hi-Laker, non-confidential surveys once you submit ten surveys for five years or 125 total surveys.
Lastly, in the Member’s Only forum I have made a case as to why I think we should enhance the amphibian reporting in our surveys. Marc Hayes, a Herpetologist with the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife presented at our May meeting and discussed how our club could enhance the knowledge level of amphibians that live in the high country that we love: All we have to do is take pictures and document the amphibians we find in all their life stages.
Change is difficult but can also be rewarding; I must say that I am excited to see what 2012 brings for our club! So with that, let’s take up our packs and find that hidden jewel of a lake!
Kent Lufkin
Nicely written Jed. Your first post on the new blog sets a high bar.
Thank you Kent, I appreciate your comments!
Scott Chisholm
Excellent Jed, we’re with you all the way!
Bob Martin
Hi Jed,
I have a special request. It is not related to the blog but rather a problem I have been having lately accessing FORUM and FOR MEMBERS ONLY on the Hi Laker’s website. I would ask Brian Curtis for his help but I don’t have his email address. Yours is the only one I can find.
I appreciate any help you can send my way!
Bob Martin – Hi Laker since 2002 (I’m pretty sure my dues is up to date)
David B
Your blog has reached Belfast in Northern Ireland / UK
I was searching for the quote about change for a course assignment, job-related.
May I recommend you look at the Silent Valley Reservoir in N.I. – It is in the famous Mountains of Mourne, near Kilkeel in Co Down. We have no high mountains of course, hills really when compared to where you are.
Have a good day. and see the Visit Belfast / Titanic experience, if you ever plan to take a trip to here.
The US Rangers were stationed in Bangor, County Down during the war years.
PPS SIX US presidents came from Northern Ireland roots. Can you identify them?